Frequently asked questions

The most common questions we get from our clients

Below are a few FAQ's but if you have more please reach out!

It is recommended to tan 2 days before an event or 1 day before you leave for vacation.

A spray tan generally lasts 5-8 days

For the tanning session we provide disposable thongs and most people go topless. You are welcome to wear your own underwear, a swim suit or nothing at all.  (Men must wear bottoms)

The entire process takes about 30 minutes whether in studio or mobile.

For a mobile appointment we need a small space to set up a tent, a well lit area and an outlet.

All tans are customized to your skin tone and desired outcome and no you won't be orange!

Pre-Tan Care

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 9.52.00 PM

Post-Tan Care

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 9.52.11 PM
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